The young folks from AWOL's music education class The P.R.O.J.E.C.T.S. had their album release party last night at the black box theater. It was dope. The kids performed a couple songs and killed it. Then they talked about the program and answered questions from the audience. The class is a 22-week class that covers music history, creative writing, positive conflict resolution and more, taught by Lloyd 'KidSyc' Harold and I.
Once we get their minds open, the kids are set loose to create their own album. The results are pretty amazing. This is the program's fourth year and each year has brought about completely different results, although all of them have been impressive in their own way.
Here's one of my favorite tracks on the new album, although I'm biased because it's on one of my beats.
"The Cypher" featuring KJ, G.Lyric, Jesse Smalls, Two Face and Crown.
Visit AWOL's Website for more info.

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