
Impersonating Wes Anderson Vol. 2

I am proud to present Impersonating Wes Anderson Vol. 2 - Grab a copy.

This is the second compilation I've made as an open challenge to Wes Anderson, so if you know him, or know someone who knows him, please pass this along to him. I've thoroughly enjoyed all his movies, as well as their most excellent soundtracks, so I've put together my best efforts to create my own take on a Wes Anderson soundtrack. So if you're the real Wes Anderson (and I mean the filmmaker, not someone else who shares his name), then I challenge you to write a movie to this. You can change the order of the tracks if you want, but you get extra credit if you do it with the current order, because I know, after a long career making quirky, visually-stunning films about your interpretation of the human experience (and Wes Anderson, I'm talking to you here) then surely extra credit and undying respect from a random music junkie in Georgia really matters to you.

Here is the track list:
1. "Caledonia, The Second" - Billie Joe Becoat
2. "Eastern Love" - Mogollar
3. "Hua Rock" - Billy & Friends
4. "Pleasant Convalescence" - Audience
5. "Suicide on the Hillside Sunday Morning After Tea" - Euphoria
6. "Roll On Babe" - Ronnie Lane with Slim Chance
7. "Lady Rain" - Savage Grace
8. "Being Is More Than Life" - Baby Grandmothers
9. "She Brings the Rain" - Can
10. "Till You Get What You Want" - Phil & The Frantics
11. "Il Arrivera" - Baris Manco
12. "Sunshine Woman" - Euphoria
13. "Autumn in Rome" - Dorothy Ashby
14. "Ergon" - Brian Bennett
15. "War" - Bruce Haack
16. "Act of Threat" - Berry Lipman
17. "Silver Cloud" - La Dusseldorf
18. "Les Moulins de Mon Couer" - JPM and Co.

Although this is volume 2, I've yet to actually post volume 1, but I'll get around to that sometime soon. I should also mention that the second volume is dedicated to @carrienations and @roboldham, who both enjoyed volume 1 enough to inspire me to create this second volume. Enjoy. And if you like what you hear, go buy something from one of these artists (although most of them are pretty hard to find).

Get a copy.

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