
Vintage Africa, part one

Something new. Lots of deep cuts from 1960s-70s.  Download the mix and unmixed versions here

Vintage Africa Mix, part one by Classyindividual on Mixcloud

Hugh Masekela - Afro Beat Blues
Pierre Antoine - Alaca Noun Min
Lijado Sisters - Life’s Gone Down Low
Martial Droubly & L’Ivoiro Stars - You Dji N’indje
P.R.O. (People’s Rock Outfit) - Blacky Joe
Orchestral Baobab - Aduna Jaral Naawo
Charlotte Dada - Don’t Let Me Down
Royal Band de Thies - N’dongo Dara
Wali & The Afro Caravan - Hail the King
Le Diamono - M’diane Kandiourane
Bola Johnson - Lagos Sisi
Roger Damawuzan - Wait for Me
Keyboard - Tomorrow We Can’t Say
Ogyatanaa Show Band - Disco Africa 
The Hygrades - Rough Rider
Marijata - We Live in Peace

Segun Bucknor - Smoke

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